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Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's a beggar! It's a drunk! NO! It's Corner Man!

This is the ongoing saga of Corner Man.

Our fearless protagonists, EMN and LMN, have just moved to their posh enclave in Jerusalem. During their first day, they were exploring the main drag which was in the throes of Sukkot preparation. As on many corners, on Our Corner was a man selling date palm branches to put on top of people's sukkot. He was just standing there, hocking his wares, when a fellow from across the street rushed over carrying a bucket of soapy water and he threw the entire contents onto the legs of this salesman. SPLASH! A bit of a yelling, some gestures, and the merchant vacated the corner.
The splashing assailant has not left that corner since. And that's how he earned the name Corner Man!

Since then, EMN and LMN have seen Corner Man in many poses. Sometimes he's smoking. Sometimes he's drinking coffee. Sometimes he has headphones and sometimes earplugs. He's never schnorring for money. He never seems intoxicated. He has nothing to sell. What does he do?

EMN's favorite, of course, was when Corner Man was across the street sawing the legs off a handsome upholstered chair. It soon became clear that he was using the amputee chair as a bench reinforced. He spent the rest of the day sitting in his chair on his bench.

Corner Man has noticed EMN noticing him. And today he could not take the romantic tension any longer. Corner Man has confessed his love!
(Now, EMN's Hebrew is not spectacular, but Jewish Day School certainly taught how to say, "I love you.")

What else will happen in the ongoing saga? Will Corner Man defile more furniture? Will he demonstrate an occupation? Will he confess his love to another woman or stay true to our heroine? Stay tuned...

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